Academic Program
At Valor Academy Middle School, we welcome students of all abilities in grades 5-8 to join our unparalleled school community!
Here, we have high expectations, instructional excellence, and enrichment experiences designed to provide each and every one of our students with an opportunity to discover and reach their true potential.
Individualized Education
What makes Valor Academy unique is our individualized approach to education. Our curriculum is project-based, and we personalize our approach to each student. Here, we work hard to support our students to become the people they want to be, to make sure that they reach their goals, and to ensure they're prepared for success in high school, higher education, and their careers beyond.
We believe strongly in creating an environment where all students realize academic success, engage with their individual interests and desires, and participate in experiences that will help them grow as people by engaging with a variety of cultures, exploring their socio-emotional well-being, and learning about the elements of their identities that make them who they are, and serve as the base of who they will become.
Our commitment-based culture focuses on creating a safe, anti-racist environment where students are led in understanding society, and using their understanding to address misogyny, bigotry, racism, and all other ills faced by minorities, women, and LGBTQ+ communities, to create a truly inclusive society.

PREP Values
At Valor Academy, we focus on four PREP values in our school: Preparedness, Respect, Engagement, and Professionalism.
We support our students to be prepared, respectful, engaged, and professional in class and we expose them to these values so that they become responsible for setting and achieving their own goals, even beyond their own expectations.
While we realize that growth and success are only made possible through one’s ability to meet and overcome the challenges inherently involved, we are confident in all of our students’ ability to do so, as they are supported by an entire school community of students, parents, educators, and support staff all working together to help them achieve their goals.
“We make sure that your student, no matter where they start, they finish strong and they get to where they want to be. We make sure the students have the opportunity to show whoever they are and to learn how they need to learn.”