Inclusive (Special) Education
At Bright Star Schools, we welcome students of all abilities, families, and community members.
Bright Star students, regardless of background or any learning needs they may have, experience rigorous academics, inclusive education,* social-emotional support, and rich life opportunities
beyond the classroom.
*At Bright Star Schools, we refer to special education as inclusive education.

Inclusive Support at Bright Star Schools
Bright Star's Inclusive Education Department ensures that students cultivate strategic ways to improve their academic, social, language, and environmental challenges through self-advocacy, community awareness, and involvement to propel them to higher education and career opportunities of their choosing.
As a Bright Star parent said, "The teachers, the staff, and my family, we all work together as a team for my daughter's success. I wouldn’t be able to do it without their support."
Inclusive Education Coordinator

Cassondra Almouradi
Inclusive Education Coordinator
Vice President of Inclusive Education

Layla Pena
Vice President of Inclusive Education
Lead Inclusive Education Coordinator

Shelby Ramminger
Lead Inclusive Education Coordinator
Helpful Links
Helpful Links For Families
- A Parent’s Guide to Special Education Services
- The IEP and You
- The ITP and You -- Individual Transition Plan
Enlaces Importantes Para Familias
Student And Family Handbook
Additional Guides For Families
Join Bright Star Community Today
In our small, joyful schools we provide students with excellent academics, holistic and inclusive support, personal attention, and rich life opportunities beyond the classroom so they thrive from kindergarten through high school.