24-25 School Year Information Learn More
People Development

People Development

Bright Star Empowers Educators

At Bright Star, it’s important that our teachers have numerous opportunities that support them in becoming experts in their craft.

Teacher Development

Here are some examples:

  • 260+ hours of differentiated professional development annually
  • An in-house teacher mentor program
  • Instructional coaching
  • Growth-centered goals and teacher evaluation
  • Professional learning communities
  • Teacher leadership opportunities 

Teacher Health & Wellness

Our educators' well-being is a top priority because we know that strong teachers = strong students.

  • Free ClassPass membership for all staff
  • Nursing pods for new moms 
  • Childcare subsidies and additional paid family leave

Teacher Scholarships & Language Development

We offer our teachers numerous opportunities to excel.

  • Bright Star's National Board Certification Scholarship 
  • Foreign Language Development Program

Teacher Voice

We empower educators to raise and address key issues at Bright Star, and we evolve our practices to meet educators’ needs.
