Thank You!
For your interest in Rise Kohyang Middle School! We are glad you are considering us for your student’s education. We are a tuition-free public charter school open to all residents of California. Located in Koreatown, our school offers a variety of educational opportunities to prepare your student for college and success in life.
What To Expect:
- Long school days mean more opportunities to learn.
- Character development that teaches students positive values.
- No “social promotion” of our students before they meet grade level standards.
- Parent volunteerism ensures our families are connected to their students’ education.
- Uniforms show unity among students and lessen distractions in the classroom environment.
- We are comfortable with change and constantly think outside the box to improve our program.
- Regular parent-teacher meetings hold students, families, and teachers accountable to each other.
- Discipline is clear and unwavering. Students know what is expected of them and always aim for their best.

If you haven’t already, submit an application today! A school representative will contact you shortly. After you submit an application, join us at one of our information sessions for an opportunity to meet our principal and learn more about our school.
Rise Kohyang Middle School Promotion Goals
1. 70% in ELA
2. 70% in Math
3. 70% Cumulative Class Average (CCA)
4. Progress in Reading Fluency and Pass 6/7 Required Books at Color Reading Level
5. Pass 2 out of 4 Benchmark Writing Exams with a score of 3 or higher
6. Students need to have met 4 out of 5 goals to promote to the next grade level
We have an open-door policy. Visit us any time.
We are located at:
3020 Wilshire Blvd. Suite 250 (2nd Floor) Los Angeles, CA 90010
Call (424) 789-8338 or email with questions.
Our Program and Curriculum
The school’s curriculum is designed to develop young leaders who will rise to serve their community as they grow. The academic program will feature an optional two-way dual language
immersion program (Korean/English and Spanish/English) and will emphasize technology across all academic disciplines. Students will be required to complete a digital portfolio that highlights
their academic accomplishments. The combination of strong leadership development and oral presentation skills offered at Rise Kohyang Middle School will help students succeed in high school
and college as well as in the competitive job market after college.
Our school also provides students with opportunities to expand their education in service learning, technology, college preparation, and languages. The rigorous program will challenge
students to give back to the community as they develop into leaders. Life Experience Lessons (LELs) require students to develop an educational project that will culminate with a rewarding
trip outside of the classroom. We believe that providing students with experiential learning opportunities will allow them to enhance their education with real-life encounters if they are
going to succeed in college and life.

Why Consider Our School?
- Small school, personal student attention
- Tuition free public charter school open to all residents of California
- Bilingual Staff (Spanish/Korean)
- Successful sister charter schools
- Stella Middle Charter Academy (API 825)
- Bright Star Secondary Charter Academy (API 842)
- Longer school days, free after-school programs
- Structured college-prep program
- Education outside the classroom with life experience lessons to: Catalina Island, Washington D.C, college tours, national parks