Counseling & Restorative Practices
“Everything that we do is all built around the idea that everyone belongs here, and that we are creating a home for student at our school campus,” - Stephanie Kozofsky, Assistant Principal of Culture
At Rise Kohyang High School, we strive to create a safe and inclusive space where our students can be successful in all aspects of their lives.
All students at Rise Kohyang High Schools have a counselor who knows them, their dreams, and their needs. Together, with the support of our families, we support our students to dream big dreams and to realize them.

Our Priority
At RKHS, we prioritize a low student-to-counselor ratio of 129:1 so that our students have strong relationships with our counselors and can navigate high school and the path to higher education successfully. By comparison, the state of California has an average student-to-counselor ratio of 601:1 (source).
As award-winning RKHS counselor Sue Chae said, “One of the many reasons Rise Kohyang High School continues to be so successful is because each grade-level counselor has a smaller caseload. The more time we spend with our students and families, the stronger our connections become and the more willing everyone is to work even harder for the great cause -- the well-being and success of our students.”
Our counselors are committed to supporting our students’ success at RKHS, and they help our students identify and successfully pursue the higher education pathway that is right for them. All of our graduates receive up to 6 years of individualized support to succeed in and graduate from higher education. Learn more about our Alumni Support & College Success program.
Restorative Practices
All Rise Kohyang High School staff use restorative justice practices as an effective alternative to punitive responses to wrongdoing. Restorative practices bring people together in a safe and respectful space to promote dialogue, accountability, and a stronger sense of community.
We support our students to come together to have restorative conversations, so that they have the opportunity to repair any harm that may have been caused.