Teacher Induction Program
Bright Star Schools' Teacher Induction Program
Clear your preliminary teaching credential for FREE!What is the Teacher Induction Consortium?
The Teacher Induction and Development Consortium is a two-year induction program of situated learning that provides participating teachers an initiation into the teaching profession guided by the Professional Teacher Induction Standards, California Standards for the Teaching Profession aligned Danielson Framework standards, and the CA Common Core State Academic Content Standards and Performance Standards for students.
This allows candidates with preliminary multiple subjects, single subjects or educational specialist credentials to earn their professional clear credential.
A participating teacher engages in authentic professional development in collaboration with a veteran teacher who serves as a highly skilled mentor. This mentor may be a partially released classroom teacher or full release instructional coach that provides a comprehensive and intensive approach to advancing teacher effectiveness in order to raise student achievement.
All activities and communication between the candidate and the mentor are strictly confidential and have no bearing whatsoever on the candidate’s formal evaluation.
The mentor guides the participating teacher through a formative assessment process engaging in reflective conversations structured around assessing and understanding the learning context, goal-setting, observation cycles centered around the Danielson Teaching and Learning Framework and Bright Star Core Competencies, and examining practice through inquiry.
The coach and participating teacher collect data over time, examine it against multiple levels of teaching performance, and then chart progress on the Danielson Teaching and Learning
Framework, aligned to the California Standards for the Teaching Profession. Together, they identify areas of strength and areas for continuous improvement.
Download a 1-page overview of our Induction Program here.
Program Overview
Bright Star Induction Goals
- Improve instruction for all students
- Advance teacher performance by developing thoughtful, reflective practitioners
- Provide high quality, classroom-embedded professional development opportunities
- Increase teacher efficacy and retention
- Promote collegiality, collaboration, and life-long learning
Who is eligible for the Teacher Induction Program?
A teacher participates in the Induction Program if they
- Hold a Multiple or Single Subject Preliminary Credential and is in their first or second year of teaching
- Have completed a Multiple or Single Subject Intern Program and applied for or received a Preliminary Credential
Program Benefits
- Job embedded professional growth
- Common language to describe good teaching as a basis for professional growth
- Weekly one-on-one coaching/guidance from an experienced, trained mentor teacher
- Multiple and single subject Professional Clear Credential recommendation
- High quality professional development opportunities
- Habits and norms established guiding improved practice over a professional career
- Connection between university theory and district application
- Immediate and direct application to students
- Problem-solving skills
- No financial cost to clearing your preliminary teaching credential
Key Program Elements
Program Structure
The Greater Los Angeles Teacher Induction Consortium (GLASTIC) is a two-year, job embedded program that will start in the teacher’s first year of teaching, for eligible teachers.
The induction program will focus heavily on a teacher’s individual learning plan, as developed between the teacher and the mentor.
Candidates will be matched with a mentor within 30 days of enrollment in the program.
GLASTIC design for service delivery uses a combination of strategies for support and assessment activities, including the provision of part-time release mentors who are familiar with the program philosophy, selected for their professional capabilities in working with participating teachers, and trained by Bright Star Schools and the New Teacher Center.
The mentor and participating teacher work together to reflect on the art and science of teaching in a confidential and non-judgmental environment that is conducive to expanding the skills and practices of teaching and learning.
The mentor will guide the teacher to reflect on their practice and develop an Individual Learning Plan, which will drive the work of the mentor and teacher throughout the year.
New Teacher Center Model
Bright Star utilizes New Teacher Center tools and mentor training and participate in their national program leader network. The New Teacher Center model is based on inquiry cycles of observation and reflection centered around the California Standards for the Teaching Profession.
Mentors guide participating teachers through a series of formative assessment activities that are designed to mirror effective classroom practices that are embedded in day-to-day teaching and build on the teacher’s professional thinking and learning.
Over two-years, participating teachers with guidance from their coach collect evidence of application (formative assessment tools and reflections) related to the Danielson Teaching and Learning Framework, aligned to the California Standards for the Teaching Profession.
Professional Development
Participating teachers engage in professional development aligned to their professional goals to enhance their knowledge and skills. Professional development may consist of targeted California Standards for the Teaching Profession (CSTP) workshops, GLASTIC forums, collaborating with colleagues and department leaders, engaging in professional online workshops, etc.