24-25 School Year Information Learn More
Our Impact

Our Impact

Celebrating 20 Bright Years!

As we commemorate Bright Star Schools’ 2003 founding, we have so much to celebrate from our first 20 years of work on behalf of students, families, and communities across Los Angeles.
Read some of our stories: 

Highlights from our first 20 Years

Our results are a testament to providing student-centric, holistic education in environments that are welcoming and supportive.

  • 63% of our class of 2016 graduates completed higher education within 6 years, compared to just 25% of students from similar schools nationwide.
  • 76% of our class of 2021 graduates persisted from year one to year two in a 4-year college or university, compared to 72% of students from similar schools nationwide.
  • 86% of our class of 2023 graduates matriculated to higher education, compared to just 50% of students from similar schools nationwide.

Horizon Broadening Experiences

Our Life Experience Lessons (LELs), a hallmark of our program for 20 years, open our students’ eyes to the unlimited possibilities that lay before them.


20 Years of Support for Students

We’re also proud to stand with our students for nearly 20 years, too – from their first day of kindergarten through their graduation from higher education.

In 2013, we launched Bright Star’s Alumni Support and College Success Program (ASCS) to provide up to six years of individualized, higher education support for our graduates.

To date, the ASCS team has supported nearly 2,200 Bright Star Schools alumni on their higher education pathways.

Alumni Support Through Higher Education

“The transition to college has been seamless, thanks to the preparation and ongoing support from Bright Star Schools.”


Possibilities into Realities

At Bright Star Schools, we believe every child is a worthwhile investment of our time, talent, and love.

If you’d like to support our work and our students, please give here.

We are grateful for your generosity.